HPAC Magazine

Dave Holek re-elected president of MCAC

December 10, 2020 | By HPAC Magazine

In the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Association elected to maintain its current governance and executive committees for the next year.

healthThe Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada held its annual general meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 9, and the group elected to maintain its current governance and executive committee, re-electing Dave Holek of Belle River, Ontario as president and chairman of the board of directors.

Holek will be serving his second term in these roles.

Dave Holek

“Without any doubt, 2020 was a challenging year for our industry and our members across Canada,” said Holek. “I am proud to continue in this role to represent our close to 1,000 members as we work through these challenges and the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“As a national association, we are working very hard to ensure we can address our members’ issues from across Canada,” Holek added. “With that said, I want to reiterate how proud I am of our members and to represent this sector. Our members have not only proven themselves to be essential in times of crisis, but I believe that our value will only be heightened as country emerges from the pandemic.”




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